As with majority of the world, the Tightrope crew has adjusted to work life during quarantine. The biggest change is our daily “office” environment, where we can no longer come into the Brooklyn workshop and have suddenly found ourselves isolated from each other. Throughout the weeks we have adapted by remaining connected digitally and creating temporary work from home spaces. It's been challenging at times but each of us have found small ways to bring balance to our new work worlds.

Here are a few tips & tricks from some of the Tightrope Team:



My kitchen table becomes my desk when I work from home. Sitting upright helps me with typing and staying attentive and motivated. Having a large notepad is great for a daily to-do list, and I use a small Field Notes memo book for long term projects. I prefer using video chats to catch up with my team, friends and family. Coffee and podcasts really help keep me going during the day. After work, I like to relax with a glass of wine, jigsaw puzzle, and a movie.



*special cameo by shopdog, Mako

Living in New York, most people have to deal with roommates. I have one roommate, and we each have a designated spot in our living room where we set up our separate “desks”. Putting in my headphones and listening to podcasts or music throughout the day helps me stay focused on my work. I make sure to take breaks throughout the day to move around, get some fresh air, and play with my dog. For each day, I try to give myself at least one small goal I want to complete, and sometimes I create bigger goals for the week. It is motivating to see a task checked off your list! My go to items that I always have on my desk are my Appointed planner and LARQ water bottle.



I have a couple of roommates so working from home, especially when everyone is here in current quarantine times, unfortunately means I am strictly in my room with the door closed. Noise isolating earbuds from Anker are a must, and I have my Dohm white noise machine situated close to the door most of the day. I have made a make-shift desk and created a little work nook by one of my big loft windows so that I can catch a breeze on these nicer Spring days. Something about having a desk by a window helps me do a better job of brainstorming while I am writing for work. Post-it notes are a big help! I use them for quick thoughts when on calls, or creating a daily order for my larger to-do lists, or even as desktop reminders to take mini breaks and stretch/refill my water bottle/pet the dog :)


Interested in sprucing up your work from home space? Check out some of Tightrope's furniture, lighting, & small objects.

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